Winter wonders… whether you like the cold season or not, snow and ice and Christmas decorations make for very pretty pictures.
Are you as smitten with Pinterest as I am? I have to confess that I am a bit of a Pinterest addict… I’m on both Facebook and Twitter (well, I signed up on Twitter but have never tweeted anything) but they never really pulled me in. Pinterest on the other hand – I signed up as soon as I first heard of it, and it has become my guilty pleasure, my favorite break from work, my quick inspiration, and the way I start my Saturday mornings and often end my evenings. I really have to force myself to not go on it sometimes in order to get anything done. BTW, you don’t need an invite to join anymore, you can sign up right away.
It is such an endless source of inspiration, and I love how one thing leads to another and before you know it, you are looking at a DIY project on a Bulgarian blog where you can’t understand a word. I know, google can translate, but I actually kind of like it when I can’t understand what people are saying and it becomes all about the visuals (I love to watch TV in countries where I don’t speak the language too. 🙂 ).
I keep coming across all these amazing boards that are beautifully curated by their owners, and I thought why not share them with everybody here? So today I’m starting a new series: Favorite Pinterest board of the week, and first out is this fabulous collection of winter pictures put together by Melanie Rogers:
Isn’t it gorgeous? To see the rest, click here. If you’re curious, here are my Pinterest Boards.
For more holiday inspiration, check out another of my favorite boards: Holidays. And don’t miss this very appropriately named Fascinating Animals board.
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